From pupil at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, to Pratt in Brooklyn, to designer for Steven Alan, to mold maker for the Jim Hensen studio, to designer and creator of Summer BummerALEXANDRA CASSANITI brings an eclectic bag of talents to her line of womenswear. With an affinity for Summer, Cassaniti appropriately coins all of her collections “It’s Always Summer Somewhere,” because if it’s not summer here, it’s summer elsewhere. We even took advantage of the California native’s talents and collaborated for a warrior-goggle frame entitled, The Myopia. Whether it’s neoprene swimwear or Face It shades, Alexandra Cassaniti is one contemporary designer worth following.


Here’s a quick Q & A we had with Alex.


R: What’s the inspiration behind your SUM BUM Collection?
C: I’m inspired by the people who wear my clothes/bags/sunglasses/shoes… I make things with a person in mind. One who acknowledges the summer/bummer of our daily existence, and thinks “maybe there is another way?” Or ” this could be funny if (blank)”. Humor is utmost. An explanation of summer bummer…There’s rad times, art, ideas, inventions, creating, laughter, friends, love, good health, joy, etc- that equals “SUMMER” and then there’s the “BUMMER”-  Bad days, bills, corporations, greed, inequality, feeling overwhelmed…I could go on, I’m betting so could you?

I want you to escape from the bummer, speak up about your malcontent by wearing FACEITsunglasses. Or express yourself in the act of having fun. The girls who wear the Summer Bummer neoprene while they are in the line up or walking down the street have the option of wearing a solid, bright color to stand out from the rest. Or wear it black panther style with a beret. It’s up to you!  The new bags that just came look like leather, but are actually neoprene so you can spill on them or drop them on the ground… Just live your life the way you want to, and they will look unharmed. It’s one less thing to worry about. When I think of the person who carries one of my new bags I think they may be carrying a live chicken somewhere, or could have accidentally pored a bottle of wine all over their bag. These people live their lives in an artful way; they are resourceful and imaginative.


R: What goes into SUM BUM products from sketch to final product?
C: A lot of blood, sweat and tears. We are a very small business, my hand is involved with every item, email, phone call…It’s not easy being green. That’s a direct quote from Kermit the frog. Anyone reading this who wants to be an intern? Please show up at my studio and start. Great!
I’m so tired from that long winded blurb I did above.


R: Who are you Blog Lovin’?
C: I’m Your Fan, Anything Mariko Munro is involved with, Kassia Meador and of course MATUSE!!! I’m blog deep with Matuse.


R: What’s in the works for Alexandra Cassaniti?
C: Doing new GEOMETRY wetsuits with Matuse, have a dress line in the works, and some mens items on the horizon.  Dudes keep asking for the neoprene leggings… It’s got me thinking, what else does a gentleman need? Hmmm…

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