A round-up of what’s stoked us this week on Instagram. From epic waves on the other side of the world, sunbathing babes, boards, dogs, road trips, outer space, and total mayhem. We’ve got our eye on the people that bring us the inspiration that feeds our brand: our ambassadors, families, friends, and our favorite freaks, they’re all here once a week.






@dylangordon and @roseblacque ridin in the desert


A post shared by J E N A V I E V E B E L A I R (@jenavieve) onMar 2, 2017 at 7:20pm PST




The best kind of madness: @jenavieve captures @dylangordon taking his lady for a joyride at Desert and Denim in Joshua Tree.








Violet strokes.


A post shared by Woody Gooch (@woodygphoto) onMar 5, 2017 at 9:42pm PST




Ephemeral violet seas. As if the ocean wasn’t fascinating enough already.










A post shared by TODAY IS THE BEST DAY EVER (@brianhansen) onMar 6, 2017 at 7:58pm PST




@brianhansen and the magical art of the fake out.








The pass by @bigspazzo


A post shared by Lolamignot@hotmail.com (@lolamignot) onFeb 25, 2017 at 12:01pm PST




Babe hangs out in Byron.








Tonight's Studio sleeping arrangement


A post shared by @dannyfuller onMar 4, 2017 at 9:32pm PST




Friday feels brought to you by @dannyfuller. Don’t worry buddy, the weekend is almost here.







Timeless and epic capture from @harrisonan, like a really good weekend, the vibe can carry you through.








Classic cars of Uruguay #uruguay


A post shared by Matt Cuddihy (@mattcuddihy) onMar 6, 2017 at 12:37pm PST




Still life in Uruguay.








Spent the day exploring the Kauai coast with @mikecoots - thank you for sharing your home with me, it's absolutely mind blowing!


A post shared by Mikey DeTemple (@mikeydetemple) onMar 4, 2017 at 3:35pm PST




@mikeydetemple explores the never ending gorgeousness of the Kauai coastline.